November 5, 2008

Si Se Puede

There has been much debate in my office this week about how Christians should vote for President. There has been an even greater debate taking place on a national level as well. Some evangelical Christians believe that a Christians vote for Obama would be a resignation of your faith in Christ. I think about what Paul says in Romans "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved". These words may prove to be quite simple to repeat but much more difficult to live out. Why? Because we as the church want to add our own little caveats to what is required to receive the gift of salvation. However, this verse reminds us that the gift of salvation is no respector of jews or gentiles democrats or republicans but is for all mankind. When will the church truely sacrifice their religious traditions on the altar of pride.

Yesterday, history was made when an African Amercan man was elected the 44th President of the United States of America. Barack Obama overcame 200 hundred years of oppression and has become President. Can the church overcome 2000 years of religion and embrace spiritual liberty? To that question I echo the cheers of 200,000 people in Chicago's Grant Park last night, SI SE PUEDE; YES WE CAN!